Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Products and system solutions for gynecology at ctomed have always followed the principles of quality, easy handling and user-friendliness. The innovative instruments from ctomed are setting a new standard in patient safety and user-centricity. OB/GYN instruments are medical equipment designed for obstetricians and gynecologists. Ctomed provides a wide selection of gynae instruments and obstetric supplies for examination. This entire range of specialized instruments aid in different procedures such as uterine and caesarian section, adhesiolysis, cervical biopsy, colposcopy, pap smear, hysterectomy, obstetrics and gyne surgery, dilatation and evacuation (D&E), dilation and curettage (D&C) operational vaginal delivery and obstructed labor,endometrial ablation, hysterectomy, hysteroscopy, LEEP, pelvic laparoscopy, trachelectomy, and vulvectomy.
Ctomed has an extensive range of instruments for gynaecological surgical and diagnostic procedures in any operating theatre, private clinic, private rooms, surgical ward, day surgery, or outpatient clinic.
The range of gynaecology surgery instruments includes hysteroscopes, cohen cannula vaginal speculums, vaginal retractors, obstetrical forceps, obstetrical lever, hysterectomy instruments, endocervical speculums, uterine manipulators, uterine dilators, uterine sounds, uterine depressors, tenaculum and packing forceps, uterine polypus forceps, myoma screws and knives, uterine seizing forceps, uterine curettes, uterine clamps, probes, vulva and urethral spreaders, ovum forceps, myoma instruments, fistula instruments, cervical biopsy punches, cervical dilators colposcopy punches and rongeurs colostomy instruments, pelvimeters, placenta, placenta scoops, perforators, Fallopian Ring Applicator,Hasson Three-Prong Graspers, Lap Gyn Instruments, LEEP LLETZ Gynecology Instruments, Kleppinger Bipolar Forceps and Inserts. decapitating hooks, basiotribes & cranioclasts valtchev vaginal delineator, valtchev uterine mobilizer IUD instruments electrosurgical instruments.
Some of our customer’s favorites and most popular gynaecological instruments include sims vaginal speculum, cusco vaginal speculum, heaney vaginal retractors, cuzzi placenta scoop, kevourkian curette and many others.